Bar Exam Resources Available
Now that Spring Break is over, most of you will be spending the next few weeks preparing for exams. For the 3Ls, that will be the easy part -- the harder part comes in preparing for the summer bar exam. The ASL Library has some resources to help you prepare:
Both of these resources list the various books and handouts we've collected. Stop by the Reference Desk (or poke your head in one of the librarians' offices) and ask us if you have questions about any of these materials.
- ASL's Legal Research Guide on Bar Examination Starting Points (PDF)
- ASL's new Bar Exam Resources page, which contains links to state bar exam rules, prior practice questions (and answers, where available!), and a quick link for that all-important day when bar exam results are released
Both of these resources list the various books and handouts we've collected. Stop by the Reference Desk (or poke your head in one of the librarians' offices) and ask us if you have questions about any of these materials.