1L Westlaw Training: Oct 11
Westlaw representative Lynne Rozier will be on campus on Tuesday, October 11, to conduct Westlaw training for all first-year students. Classes run approximately one hour and will be held in the Library Seminar Room. All students have been assigned a particular session to attend; check our classes page or the binder at the Circulation Desk if you can't remember.
Lynne will also offer two short WestlawNext training sessions for 2Ls/3Ls on Monday, October 10. The first class begins at 5 pm; it will be repeated at 5:30. No signup necessary; just show up in the Library Seminar Room.
Lynne will also offer two short WestlawNext training sessions for 2Ls/3Ls on Monday, October 10. The first class begins at 5 pm; it will be repeated at 5:30. No signup necessary; just show up in the Library Seminar Room.
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